Monthly Archives: September 2019

an update for the Montrose Bay Rowing Day

I have tonight been advised the MBYC can not staff their bar on Sunday the 22nd and as such we are now permitted to BYO our own drinks! Peter Higgs : Senior Vice President, Skeg Editor : Tel: 0419803317 Wooden Boat Guild Tasmania Inc. meets 3rd Monday each month except December, Mariners Cottages, 42-44 Napoleon…

Find attached Sema4 176 about Mondays general Meeting and The Montrose Bay Rowing Day.

Please find attached Sema4 176 about Mondays general Meeting and The Montrose Bay Rowing Day. Peter Higgs : Senior Vice President, Skeg Editor : Tel: 0419803317 Wooden Boat Guild Tasmania Inc. meets 3rd Monday each month except December, Mariners Cottages, 42-44 Napoleon Street, Battery Point, Tasmania 7004. Boat Shed, Powell's Yard, Battery Point, Hoabart Tasmania.…

Cornelia Rescue Pt1

As most members are aware the Guild has accepted a net-boat called Cornelia as a Guild boat. It is hoped that Cornelia will be used as a tow boat for Terra Linna and maybe also be available as a safety boat on occasions. Cornelia has a Kingbilly carvel planked hull and is designed as a…