Happy New Year to all Members Please see Sema4 No 133 for forthcoming events. Regards Graeme Hunt Secretary WBGT
Sema4 132 Second installment of Moving Requirements
MembersPlease see the update on our moving requirements from POW Bay and our calls for assistance.RegardsGraeme HuntSecretary WBGT Sema4-132.pdf
Sema4 No 131 Moving Timetable
Members Important dates to complete our move from Prince of Wales Bay. Assistance is required from members where possible. Click on the link below to read the Sema4 131. Regards Graeme Secretary WBGT sema4-no-131-moving-timetable
Sema4 No 130 Steamboats on the Huon and November General Meeting
Members, Attached Sema4 details next Sunday’s event on the Huon River and our Guest Speaker at the November General Meeting. Click on the link below to read Sema4 130. Sema4 130 Regards Graeme Hunt Secretary WBGT
Semaphore 117
GENERAL MEETING 17 JULY 2017 –ANDREW DENMAN GUEST SPEAKER Our next general meeting will held on Monday 17 July. As per usual it will commence around 6.30 pm with “Curry Night” – or anything else delectable that members can think of – and the meeting proper will begin at 7.30. Our Guest Speaker will be…
Semaphore 113
GENERAL MEETING 17 April 2017 CANCELLED - REMINDER Next Monday being Easter Monday, and knowing that many people will be away, it has been decided to cancel the April meeting. It is not possible to reschedule to the following Monday as that would clash with the web-site sub-committee meeting. Otherwise the Committee wish all members…