Monthly Archives: March 2019

Sema4 165

Hi, Please find attached the latest Sema4. You will have to read it to get all the info, but if you don't have time to read it phone Bernie on 0488 262 695  and volunteer to help with Terra Linna next week. David Edwards Sema4 Editor. 20190330-Sema4-165.pdf

Fwd: Browns River Rowing Day

Hi, The Rowing Day organised by Graeme Hunt on Sunday 24 March 2019 at Browns River was great fun. Graeme deserves all our thanks for getting us nice weather and a tide that was exactly right - just ebbing as we came back down from near the Channel Highway after the raft up. I have…

Sema4 No 164 20 March 2019

Hi, Gordon working party starts at 9:30 am on Thu 21 March 2019. The WBGT BBQ at Bunnings Kingston is on Saturday 23 March 2019. If you are not helping out, come along and spend some money. There is a Rowing Day at Browns River, commencing at 10:30 am on Sunday 24 March 2019. More…

Feb Skeg attached

Hello Find attached the February Skeg attached. General meeting tomorrow evening. Peter Higgs : Public Officer, Skeg Editor : Tel: 0419803317 Wooden Boat Guild Tasmania Inc. meets 3rd Monday each month except December, Mariners Cottages, 42-44 Napoleon Street, Battery Point, Tasmania 7004. Boat Shed, Powell's Yard, Battery Point, Hoabart Tasmania. Web Address February-Skeg-23219-V8-sml.pdf

Fwd: WBAQ – The Log March 2019

FYI -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: WBAQ - The Log March 2019 From: Webmaster Reply-To: Webmaster To: The Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania If you have trouble reading this, click here to view it online . Dear The Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania, The March 2019 issue of The Log is available on the web-site.…

Sema4 163

Hi, The latest edition of Sema4 is attached. The next General meeting is on Monday 18 March 2019. The BBQ commences at 6:30 pm, and the meeting at 7:30 pm. Guest Speaker will be Bernie Chenery, talking about sailing on /One and All/. David Edwards Sema4 Editor 20190312-Sema4-163.pdf

Fwd: Wooden Boat Association newsletter March 2019

FYI -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Wooden Boat Association newsletter March 2019 From: The Wooden Boat Association Reply-To: The Wooden Boat Association To: Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania Wooden Boat Association newsletter March 2019  Hi Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania, Please find attached the latest copy of /Shavings./ volume_29_number_03___march_2019.pdf