Yearly Archives: 2019

AWBF 2019 Running Sheet

The Guild has an active involvement in each Australian Wooden Boat Festival, and 2019 is no exception. If you'd like to know what is happening when, we have a running sheet of who/what/where/when. See it as a full page here: AWBF 2019 Running Sheet Committee members with gmail accounts may edit the running sheet here.…

Sema4 158

All, A miscellany of current items including the AWBF roster, advance notice of the publication of our Piners' Punt book, and an exposure draft of an article on the (mostly) maritime history of Little Swanport hopefully for the interest of those going there this weekend. Graeme Broxam Treasurer WBGT & Assistant Editor Sema4 20190108-Sema4-158.pdf

Sema4 156

Hi, Please find attached the first Sema4 for 2019, along with a flyer from Peter Higgs about the January 11, 12 and 13 camping trip at Muirlands, Little Swanport. Happy New Year. David Edwards Sema4 Editor 20181224-Sema4-156.pdf January-Guild-Camp-Sema4.pdf