Hi, Please find attached a Sema4 with details of the Tamar Expedition planned for March 2020. David Edwards WBGT Secretary and Sema4 Editor 20200128-Sema4-187.pdf
Sema4 186 Australia Day 2020
Hi, Please find attached the latest edition of Sema4, containing details of the upcoming Kettering Wooden Boat Rally. David Edwards WBGT Secretary and Sema4 Editor 20200126-Sema4-186.pdf
Sema4 No 185 – 18 January 2020
Hi, Please find attached the latest copy of Sema4. The first General Meeting for 2020 will be on Monday 20 January 2020. David Edwards Secretary and Sema4 Editor Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania 20200118-Sema4-185.pdf
Sema4 184, Muirlands and Kettering Wooden Boat Rally 2020
Hello find attached Sema4 184. Peter Higgs : Senior Vice President, Skeg Editor : Tel: 0419803317 Wooden Boat Guild Tasmania Inc. meets 3rd Monday each month except December, Mariners Cottages, 42-44 Napoleon Street, Battery Point, Tasmania 7004. Boat Shed, Powell's Yard, Battery Point, Hoabart Tasmania. Web Address Semaphore-184-20200108.pdf