Category Archives: Blog post

Boyer Dinghy For Sale

For sale or lease (members only) Boyer Dinghy (aka green dinghy) The Guild’s Boyer dinghy has been restored (by Rob Nolan) and is now available for a free lease to members or sale to members or secondly sale to the general public. Boyer has provenance and the dinghy’s construction is unique. She is batten seam…

Ross Patent Slip

The following is a draft research paper regarding the Ross Patent Slip, it origins and workings in Hobart's Battery Point. This could become a virtual reality production that would enhance the experience of visitors to the Battery Point Slips area. Research article regarding the Ross Patent Slip Napoleon St Battery Point

Boat trailer repair business?

A new member. I have recently purchased IOLA,. a 19ft Huon pine open day sailer, built in 1918 and  previously owned by my extended family. She requires a refit and this is likely to take place at the WBC, Franklin, starting late this year. She sits on gal trailer that is un-registered. Can any one…