Category Archives: Piners’ punt


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Soft Launch of the Gordon

Today the WBGT team that has diligently restored Gordon to a very nice looking and sea worthy Piners Punt launched her at Battery Point. Well done to Graeme Hunt for leading this project and in particular to all new members who joined some of the long standing members to restore Gordon every Thursday in Powell's…

Gordon working bee 4 Oct 2018

Some photos from Thursday 4 October 2018 Graeme Hunt is recording how Huon Pine wedges are inserted into one of the original Huon pine seats from Gordon. Graeme Nichols is applying the mixture of epoxy and sawdust. Two out of three wedges inserted. Ainslie and David measured and sanded over and over again!

Gordon working bee 27 Sep 2018

The attached photos were taken on Thursday 27 Sep 2018, showing some of the progress we are making on "Gordon". A new piece has been fitted and is being shaped to fit the existing timber. Three of the new ribs are also visible. Ainslie is busy shaping the new knee required for the bow. Much…


Type: Piner’s Punt Dimensions: 12 ft. Construction: Clinker King Billy Built: Strahan c1920s? Owner(s): R. Barnett [caption id="attachment_2467" align="alignnone" width="300"] Bramble's bow[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2466" align="alignnone" width="300"] Bramble stern-on[/caption]