The Awards Results were; David Murphy Awards were conferred on Millard Ziegler and Ross Barnett, for exceptional services aligned to the Guilds Objects over many years. [caption id="attachment_24668" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Barb Murphy Presenting Ross Barnett with his David Murphy Memorial award. Photo Dallas Manning.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_24667" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Barb Murphy Presenting Millard Ziegler and Ross…
Sema4 No 211 dated Wednesday11 March 2021
Hi, Please find attached the latest issue of Sema4. The next General Meeting will be at the Montrose Bay Yacht Club, commencing at 7:30 pm. As usual, the meeting will be preceded by a BYO BBQ commencing at 6:30 pm. The WBGT will provide some salads and deserts. David Edwards WBGT Secretary 20210311-Sema4-211.pdf
Sema4 195 dated 18 June 2020
Hi, Please find attached the latest Sema4, which includes information about * the upcoming Annual General Meeting * membership renewals * the Rowing Day scheduled for Sunday 21 June 2020. David Edwards WBGT Secretary & Sema4 Editor 20200618-Sema4-195.pdf
Tas. Gov. Health Dept. Covid-19 Roadmap to Recovery
Hello Hoping you have all kept safe and well. The Tasmanian Government Health Department has just released their "Roadmap to Recovery". This will be considered by the WBGT Inc. Committee at the next meeting on the 18th May 2020. The Stage 1 coincides with that date. However, the easing of restrictions even though covered by…
Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmanian Inc. Represenatation to HCC re Constitution Dock Marina Proposal
WBGT representation Marina Con Dock v1
Shavings Vol 29 No 6 June 2019
Hi, Please find attached the latest copy of "Shavings" from the Wooden Boat Association. David Edwards Secretary WBGT volume_29_number_06___june_2019.pdf
2019 June Scuttlebutt
Hi WBGT members, I have attached the latest copy of Scuttlebutt from the Wooden Boat Association of NSW David Edwards Secretary WBGT 2019-June-Scuttlebutt_lo_res_.pdf
Peter Higgs’ radio talk on Piners Punt Gordon
Is available to listen to at: <>
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