Category Archives: Event

Fwd: Browns River Rowing Day

Hi, The Rowing Day organised by Graeme Hunt on Sunday 24 March 2019 at Browns River was great fun. Graeme deserves all our thanks for getting us nice weather and a tide that was exactly right - just ebbing as we came back down from near the Channel Highway after the raft up. I have…

Gordon working bee 27 Sep 2018

The attached photos were taken on Thursday 27 Sep 2018, showing some of the progress we are making on "Gordon". A new piece has been fitted and is being shaped to fit the existing timber. Three of the new ribs are also visible. Ainslie is busy shaping the new knee required for the bow. Much…

Little Swanport Camping Weekend Trip Report, January 2017

Over the last four years the Guild’s annual trip to “Swanee” on the banks of the Little Swanport River has followed essentially the same format. That is camping, boating, fishing and fellowship. Our host Allister Martin ensures we all have a good time and in return we do something as a group for Allister. Last…