Clark Punt

Adrian Deane designed 14' Piner Punt plans

The Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania Inc. has not ever been fortunate enough to have a property where it can meet some of the requirements of the Guilds Objects. That is;

  • The recognition and furtherance of the art, craft and science of wooden boat building in all its forms.
  • The preservation, development and recording of the skills, processes, tools and materials associated with the craft.
  • To encourage the use of wooden boats and to promote their access and enjoyment particularly to young people.

In recent years we have enjoyed the generousity of CBG Systems at PoW Bay, The Powell Family allowed us to use their yard at Battery Point but for business reasons asked us to vacate their property. More recently the Clark family of the Lenna and other Salamanca Hospitality properties have generously allowed us to work on wooden boats in their Battery Point shed.

Lloyd Clark, has for many years collected and stored his fathers Huon Pine with a desire to build a Piner Punt. In recognition of his generousity the Guild is now building a 14 foot Adrian Deane designed Punt that will be displayed in the foyer of the Lenna together with some history about the pining industry in Tasmania. Whilst we are building the new Punt we have loaned to the Lenna, the Gordon punt that was recently restored in the Powell's yard at Battery Point.

The restored Punt Gordon on display at the Lenna

The restored Punt Gordon on display at the Lenna

This project will be documented here and additional content and media will be added as the project progresses. Currently we have built a boat building jig, to Adrian Deane's design, that will enable us to build the punt with out the use of building frames. We have lofted the plans and commenced the keel and batten (keelson) as well as the snub and transom.

Lofting of the Clark Punt 2020

Our work and research on Piner Punts can be seen in the WBGT Inc. publication; "Tasmanian Piners Punts - their History and Design" available a good bookshops or by contacting the Guild.

Work is being done by what is affectionately known as the "The Thursday Group", that is any member of the Guild willing to learn the "art, craft and science of wooden boat building". All members are welcome to join this group. However, if you are one of our many members who does not reside in Hobart you can join in on our forums or knowledge base.

Boat building jig under construction

Boat building jig under construction

Members abiding by our Covid-19 Policy and plan

Members abiding by our Covid-19 Policy and plan whilst extending our steam box

Keel and batten on the build jig

Keel and batten on the build jig


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